Sunday, June 17, 2012

Are You Attracting the Life That You Want?

How clear are you about what you want in your life?

What actions are you taking?

Are you procrastinating?

The Spiritual Law of Attraction definition by Wikipedia = The law of attraction is a belief or theory, that "like attracts like," and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results

This is the very basic definition. There is much more involved than what we are really taught to believe.

Life is not just built up from thoughts. Yes that is where it all starts, but then it is about how we react to those thoughts. Do we focus on them. Do we take action on them? Do we ignore them? How do they feel in our body? Do they make us feel tired, inspired, empowered?

There is no doubt in the theory that "Like attracts Like".

Think of the last time you were inspired by an idea, you felt on top of the world, you were excited, you took action and you made it happen. Everything just seemed to fall into place. Yes you had to put some effort into it, but do you remember the fun you had?

Now think of a time, when you know you had thoughts about getting into a regular exercise routine. You would map out your day and tell yourself you will start in the morning. But what happens, morning comes around, it is cold, wet and you find yourself staying in bed for an extra hour. Do you remember the blah sort of feeling that you had by not doing what you said you would do?

Which scenario do you think will show up positive results in your life?

Sometimes the first place to start in achieving the life that you want is to honour the commitments you make to yourself. Do not put them off. We all know how we feel at the end of the day when we have achieved everything on our to do lists. Especially when we know it really took something to do them.

Here are some steps for you to take to get started on attracting the Life that You really want:
1. Spend some quiet time, daydreaming.
2. Get clear and specific about what you want in your life
3. Create a Vision Board
4. Look at each area of your life, write down some action steps to take - one step at a time
5. Take inspired actions - Honour your word to yourself it and do it even when you don't feel like it
6. See the results
7. Review your dream and actions regularly
8. Thank the Universe for its partnership and the wonderful life you are living

Now take out your journal and start creating.

Observe the difference in your life when you are taking inspired actions, taking responsibility for your life.

Most of all during this process remember to have Fun.

Would love to hear what your dreams are.

If you would like some help in creating your desires I am available for one on one coaching.

I also have a brand new 6 week Training program called Pain to Peace where you have me as your coach for 6 weeks.

Check out the link here

Have a wonderful day

Melinka Granich

Spiritual Teacher, Author and Healer

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Struggling to Loose Weight?

Are you over being on the lose weight roller coaster? How does being overweight make you feel? Do you feel ashamed, guilty, embarrassed, angry, frustrated, lonely? How is your body language? Do you stand tall, do you care what others think or might be saying? You have tried all the fad diets, you may have even tried Weight Watchers, Herbalife or Jenny Craig but have still failed to get the weight off your body.
Ok, so I am going to ask you a very simple question here: How do you loose weight? The answer, in its most basic form is to eat less and exercise more.

Yet so many of us still struggle to loose weight.

In the answer above there is one more component that needs to be added and that is your mindset. The way you think is how you are the way you are in all areas of your life, not just with your weight. Our mind is chatting to us 24/7 it never shuts up. It gives us the good, the bad and the ugly. Do you know what we generally listen to – the bad and the ugly. When we focus on the bad and the ugly more bad and ugly show up. You just can’t seem to get rid of it – have you ever noticed that? But have you ever also noticed that when you are focused on those good, positive thoughts, everything flows smoothly. You barely have to think about what you need to do things just kind of happen. The more you focus on the good stuff the more good stuff you do. You start to take care of your health and well-being, you start to become aware of the world around you once more and things are happy. This is the place where we need to practise being in more often.

Here is a simple exercise to do when things feel like they are a little out of hand
  1. Stop and sit down if you can, you can’t do this while you are driving.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  3. Focus on your breath. Nice, deep and even. Feel your body start to relax. Keep focusing on your breath, letting everything else go.
  4. Let all the stress and tension go, all the worry, it no longer serves you, release it now on your next breath out … breath in and out.
  5. Do this for a minute or two or longer if you have time.
  6. When you are ready to come back, start to wriggle your fingers and your toes, have a big stretch and say thank you.
Struggling to loose weight?
Notice how you feel. Do you feel more connected with yourself, able to take on the world a little more. You can do this exercise as often as you like. Become aware of the changes in yourself and your environment the more often you do this exercise.

Would you like more simple ways to help combat the Mindset challenge?

Sign up to my 6 week Virtual Training program starting on the 28th May 2012
  • By the end of the programme you will be able to:
  • Create your life filled with Love, Peace and Joy (What do you really want in your life)
  • Love, Honour and Cherish your Self (The Importance and the mechanics of Self Love and how to do it)
  • Release anything that causes you pain, upset, hurt, frustration (releasing the pain and how to do it)
  • Create empowering new beliefs to enable you to move forward (Creating your future, the new you)
  • Return to your natural state of peace in any given moment(Reclaiming peace)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Reiki For Animals You Say?

Animals can easily be treated and comforted with Reiki energy. It is hard to tell how animals experience Reiki, but they do relax during a session. Animals tend to become still and seem to sense that something special is taking place, and they often help by moving their body to show the practitioner where to put their hands. Pets, especially cats and dogs will often remain lying down during the Reiki session for as long as they need the healing. When they have had enough they will move away. Around 20-30 minute session is ample for an animal. 
Reiki works the same whether you are treating, animals, children, a stranger or a family member; the Reiki energy flows just the same in all cases. Since animal and human anatomy is similar, the practitioner can judge hand positions fairly easily when they are trying to treat something specific. Reiki is especially easy to administer to animals who are used to regular grooming such as cats, dogs, horses etc. But even animals that are not usually groomed such as fish or birds can benefit with distant Reiki. Animals respond well to Reiki, and like humans, Reiki can be used for all types of illnesses and injuries and even emotional and behavioural problems. An interesting side-effect of performing Reiki on sick animals, is that it helps their human companions too

Reiki can help accelerate the healing process, ease pain and improve their quality of life. Reiki can also delay the onset and progression of certain diseases and can help revitalise older animals. For animals who are dying, Reiki is a gentle way to provide comfort, relief from pain fear and anxiety and ease the transition. 
Ideal times to give Reiki to animals are:
  • When they are ill: Reiki helps the healing process and works with any type of medical intervention.
  • When they are young or old: You can use Reiki on an animal of any age or situation. But the young and old have special needs, which Reiki can be beneficial for.
  • When they have been through a trauma: It can be obvious like an accident, a move, abuse or loss. However, even if you don't know exactly what the problem, is you can use Reiki to help.

Have you used Reiki on your animals? How did you know it was effective? What was the issue that you were trying to help with? If you have a pet that would benefit from Reiki, please get in contact, I would be honoured to help.

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

What is Reiki Used For?

So what are the benefits of Reiki? What do you use Reiki for? How do I know when I need Reiki?

I found a great summary here of Reiki Benefits
Reiki works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, and can help you enhance every aspect of your life. For example:
  • Reiki calms. It reduces stress, and provides deep relaxation, comfort & peace. It supports good health and vitality.
  • Reiki may bring spiritual clarity.
  • Reiki offers relief during emotional distress and sorrow. Reiki helps in the grieving process. It cleans and clears the emotions from being so draining and offers perspective.
  • Reiki relieves pain.
  • Reiki can improve good blood circulation and stop small bleedings.
  • Reiki can cleanse organs (liver, kidneys, arteries, spleen, gall bladder, lungs & heart).
  • Reiki is safe to treat sympthoms of imbalance: chronic and acute conditions, stress related disorders, conditions related to sinus, menopause, migraine, cystitis, asthma, chronic fatigue, arthritis, back sciatica, insomnia and depression - to name a few.
  • Reiki speeds up recovery from surgery or long-term illness. As it tends to reduce side-effects, it helps in adjusting to medicine/treatment. For example, Chemo-therapy patients who received Reiki noticed a marked  decrease in side effects from treatment. Reiki can also be put directly in medicine (as well as food and water).
  • Reiki purifies environments, and can facilitate the removal of bad energy or pestering spirits from an office, house, garden, room, etc.
  • Reiki helps athletes to heal faster from injury faster and to perform better.
  • Reiki is for everyone: it helps heal adults, elderly, babies (on mother's stomach), toddlers, children and pets.
  • Reiki for pets? Yes, pets may be helped in their recovery from stress, separation anxiety, trauma, and illness. Treat your pet with a dose of distant healing following doctor's treatment. 

Reiki is fantastic emotionally and spiritually.  It can encourage letting go of tension, fear and anxiety or other negative emotions. This is why it has been called 'a secret art of inviting happiness into your life.' This alone can be life changing for some people. Reiki also assists in the purification and the cleansing of the energy pathways; the meridians, nadis, chakras as well as the aura. It is also very beneficial to people who are working on personal and/or spiritual growth.

So you can see there are many, many benefits of Reiki, I find it hard to believe there would be someone it doesn't benefit. If I can assist you in any of the above or in any other way, I would be honoured.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Reclaiming your Power!! Your Balance in Life!!

Peace isn’t about soft gentle quiet, it’s about finding the Perfection, Excellence,
Abundance, Courage, and Excitement in your life!

The 12 week course P.E.A.C.E programme will deliver the results you want.

By the end of the program you will be able to:
  • Use the unique communication mechanisms of your body to bring you peace and
  • Become skillful at creating your Life. Creating your Life you really want filled with Love, Peace and Joy
  • Live a quality of life….
  • Give ‘you’ greater confidence to be you just the way you are
  • Discover a profound sense of Peace within your Self in each moment of every day
  • Love, Honour and Cherish your Self just as you are
  • Let go of the beliefs that you though were keeping you stuck and discover new
    beliefs to transform your Life

You’ve seen it all, heard it all, even done it all and you are still no closer to finding what makes you happy!

You know what you want to be like, you’ve read all the self-help books, but I am
going to say here and now STOP RIGHT NOW YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME!
The answers are already inside of you, and all that is required is for someone to
shine the light on the answers so you can say “OMG Of course!”

Imagine the AB’s reading a few rugby books and then taking the field against the
Wallabies… can you imagine the next day’s headlines – AB’s FAIL again!

This doesn’t happen for a very good reason… because there is a coach. That one
person that shines the light on their talents provides them with the ‘how to’,
the ‘from where I am standing I see…” the “did you know you could…?

The coach – your coach is right here and available every week to tap into.
So if you want to stop smoking, lose weight, become a better parent/partner/friend
colleague/ business owner you can this is for you.

The P.E.A.C.E Programme is based on finding Perfection, Excellence, Abundance,
Courage, and Excitement in your life that allows you to achieve the goals you
are too scared to set in case of failure.

If you were asked that age old question “if you were guaranteed NOT to fail, what
would you do?”

The AB’s don’t fail because of the self-belief in themselves that is supported by
their coach. Their talents have the opportunity to shine through and achieve
amazing results on the rugby field.

Now let’s get together and begin to shine the light on you and how when you get rid
of all of the uncertainty, the doubts, the self-depreciating and the negativity

Book now to secure your place on the next available course beginning 23rd April 2012. Each student will receive a certificate of achievement on completion of the course along with a FREE Surprise Gift – that will inspire you and remind you of your Goal for Inner Peace.
Email me now at to secure your seat!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

What Reiki is NOT

There are a lot of misconceptions about Reiki. When the uninitiated hear the word 'Reiki', it's likely that a few inaccuracies will pop into their mind. I am going to debunk a few common misconceptions:

Is Reiki some kind of new healing 'voodoo' that only the gullible fall for?
The short answer is no, it can't heal you directly like taking panadol for a headache. It can't heal a specific issue like cancer or MS. Reiki should be considered more like an additional support to other methods of therapy. Reiki helps the body to aid itself in releasing stress and tension by creating deep relaxation. It can help accelerate healing and assist the body in cleansing toxins.

In addition, Reiki is not 'new, nor a 'fad', it has been around a long time, Reiki was developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui.

Is it some kind of weird offshoot of Tai Chi?
Tai chi is a martial art, it is gentle exercise that tends to encourage calm and peace with your self and the world. All the while gaining strength, balance, and flexibility. Reiki on the other hand is a hands-off gentle approach which yes, like tai chi works with chi, or life energy, but there are no moves or postures involved.

Is Reiki a religion?
This is a common misconception. No, Reiki is not a religion, nor a sect. There is no god in Reiki, no deities, no prayers. Reiki is about moving energy and thus, it's no religion at all. You can use Reiki while practicing any religion you choose. It can, however, open your spiritual practice. 

Is Reiki some fancy massage treatment?
I can see how it can be confused for massage, as hands move over the body, but the practitioner barely touches you . The Reiki Practitioner directs the energies by holding their hands above the body or only touching lightly. The practitioner does not knead, rub or prod you in the slightest.

So there you have it, do you you have more of an idea of what Reiki isn't? I have been a practitioner since 2007 and would be honoured to work with you. So tell me, what have you heard about Reiki compared?

Additional Sources:
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Finding Peace in Every Moment

You’ve seen it all, heard it all, even done it all and you are still no closer to finding what makes you happy!

You know what you want to be like, you’ve read all the self-help books, but I am going to say here and now STOP RIGHT NOW YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME!

The answers are already inside of you, and all that is required is for someone to shine the light on the answers so you can say “OMG Of course!”

Imagine the AB’s reading a few rugby books and then taking the field against the Wallabies… can you imagine the next day’s headlines – AB’s FAIL again!

This doesn’t happen for a very good reason… because there is a coach. That one person that shines the light on their talents provides them with the ‘how to’, the ‘from where I am standing I see…” the “did you know you could…?”

The coach – your coach is right here and available every week to tap into.

So if you want to stop smoking, lose weight, become a better parent/partner/friend colleague/ business owner you can this is for you.

The P.E.A.C.E Programme is based on finding Perfection, Excellence, Abundance, Courage, and Excitement in your life that allows you to achieve the goals you are too scared to set in case of failure.

If you were asked that age old question “if you were guaranteed NOT to fail, what would you do?”

The AB’s don’t fail because of the self-belief in themselves that is supported by their coach. Their talents have the opportunity to shine through and achieve amazing results on the rugby field.

Now let’s get together and begin to shine the light on you and how when you get rid of all of the uncertainty, the doubts, the self-depreciating and the negativity what YOU CAN ACHIEVE!

Peace isn’t about soft gentle quiet, it’s about finding the Perfection, Excellence, Abundance, Courage, and Excitement in your life!

The 12 week course P.E.A.C.E programme will deliver the results you want.

You are guaranteed to:
•Have your own personal coach ensuring you stay on track to achieve your goals with weekly e-sessions
•Find what makes the uniqueness that makes you tick allowing you to identify the stumbling blocks, barriers/hurdles stopping you from getting to where you want to be and the Peace you are yearning for.
•Learn about the strength of listening to your body signals and how to turn those signals into action and bring you Peace
•A diary to encourage you to document your journey – after all writing is a catalyst for change
•Weekly action sheets providing you with a step by step to help move through your P.E.A.C.E process

Cost of this amazing programme is $600 or $50 per week (to make it easier on the budget)

Book now to secure your place on the next available course beginning 23rd April 2012. Each student will receive a certificate of achievement on completion of the course along with a FREE Surprise Gift – that will inspire you and remind you of your Goal for Inner Peace.