Thursday, April 12, 2012

What is Reiki Used For?

So what are the benefits of Reiki? What do you use Reiki for? How do I know when I need Reiki?

I found a great summary here of Reiki Benefits
Reiki works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, and can help you enhance every aspect of your life. For example:
  • Reiki calms. It reduces stress, and provides deep relaxation, comfort & peace. It supports good health and vitality.
  • Reiki may bring spiritual clarity.
  • Reiki offers relief during emotional distress and sorrow. Reiki helps in the grieving process. It cleans and clears the emotions from being so draining and offers perspective.
  • Reiki relieves pain.
  • Reiki can improve good blood circulation and stop small bleedings.
  • Reiki can cleanse organs (liver, kidneys, arteries, spleen, gall bladder, lungs & heart).
  • Reiki is safe to treat sympthoms of imbalance: chronic and acute conditions, stress related disorders, conditions related to sinus, menopause, migraine, cystitis, asthma, chronic fatigue, arthritis, back sciatica, insomnia and depression - to name a few.
  • Reiki speeds up recovery from surgery or long-term illness. As it tends to reduce side-effects, it helps in adjusting to medicine/treatment. For example, Chemo-therapy patients who received Reiki noticed a marked  decrease in side effects from treatment. Reiki can also be put directly in medicine (as well as food and water).
  • Reiki purifies environments, and can facilitate the removal of bad energy or pestering spirits from an office, house, garden, room, etc.
  • Reiki helps athletes to heal faster from injury faster and to perform better.
  • Reiki is for everyone: it helps heal adults, elderly, babies (on mother's stomach), toddlers, children and pets.
  • Reiki for pets? Yes, pets may be helped in their recovery from stress, separation anxiety, trauma, and illness. Treat your pet with a dose of distant healing following doctor's treatment. 

Reiki is fantastic emotionally and spiritually.  It can encourage letting go of tension, fear and anxiety or other negative emotions. This is why it has been called 'a secret art of inviting happiness into your life.' This alone can be life changing for some people. Reiki also assists in the purification and the cleansing of the energy pathways; the meridians, nadis, chakras as well as the aura. It is also very beneficial to people who are working on personal and/or spiritual growth.

So you can see there are many, many benefits of Reiki, I find it hard to believe there would be someone it doesn't benefit. If I can assist you in any of the above or in any other way, I would be honoured.

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