Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Reiki For Animals You Say?

Animals can easily be treated and comforted with Reiki energy. It is hard to tell how animals experience Reiki, but they do relax during a session. Animals tend to become still and seem to sense that something special is taking place, and they often help by moving their body to show the practitioner where to put their hands. Pets, especially cats and dogs will often remain lying down during the Reiki session for as long as they need the healing. When they have had enough they will move away. Around 20-30 minute session is ample for an animal. 
Reiki works the same whether you are treating, animals, children, a stranger or a family member; the Reiki energy flows just the same in all cases. Since animal and human anatomy is similar, the practitioner can judge hand positions fairly easily when they are trying to treat something specific. Reiki is especially easy to administer to animals who are used to regular grooming such as cats, dogs, horses etc. But even animals that are not usually groomed such as fish or birds can benefit with distant Reiki. Animals respond well to Reiki, and like humans, Reiki can be used for all types of illnesses and injuries and even emotional and behavioural problems. An interesting side-effect of performing Reiki on sick animals, is that it helps their human companions too

Reiki can help accelerate the healing process, ease pain and improve their quality of life. Reiki can also delay the onset and progression of certain diseases and can help revitalise older animals. For animals who are dying, Reiki is a gentle way to provide comfort, relief from pain fear and anxiety and ease the transition. 
Ideal times to give Reiki to animals are:
  • When they are ill: Reiki helps the healing process and works with any type of medical intervention.
  • When they are young or old: You can use Reiki on an animal of any age or situation. But the young and old have special needs, which Reiki can be beneficial for.
  • When they have been through a trauma: It can be obvious like an accident, a move, abuse or loss. However, even if you don't know exactly what the problem, is you can use Reiki to help.

Have you used Reiki on your animals? How did you know it was effective? What was the issue that you were trying to help with? If you have a pet that would benefit from Reiki, please get in contact, I would be honoured to help.

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