How clear are you about what you want in your life?
What actions are you taking?
Are you procrastinating?
The Spiritual Law of Attraction definition by Wikipedia = The law of attraction is a belief or theory, that "like attracts like," and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results
This is the very basic definition. There is much more involved than what we are really taught to believe.
Life is not just built up from thoughts. Yes that is where it all starts, but then it is about how we react to those thoughts. Do we focus on them. Do we take action on them? Do we ignore them? How do they feel in our body? Do they make us feel tired, inspired, empowered?
There is no doubt in the theory that "Like attracts Like".
Think of the last time you were inspired by an idea, you felt on top of the world, you were excited, you took action and you made it happen. Everything just seemed to fall into place. Yes you had to put some effort into it, but do you remember the fun you had?
Now think of a time, when you know you had thoughts about getting into a regular exercise routine. You would map out your day and tell yourself you will start in the morning. But what happens, morning comes around, it is cold, wet and you find yourself staying in bed for an extra hour. Do you remember the blah sort of feeling that you had by not doing what you said you would do?
Which scenario do you think will show up positive results in your life?
Sometimes the first place to start in achieving the life that you want is to honour the commitments you make to yourself. Do not put them off. We all know how we feel at the end of the day when we have achieved everything on our to do lists. Especially when we know it really took something to do them.
Here are some steps for you to take to get started on attracting the Life that You really want:
1. Spend some quiet time, daydreaming.
2. Get clear and specific about what you want in your life
3. Create a Vision Board
4. Look at each area of your life, write down some action steps to take - one step at a time
5. Take inspired actions - Honour your word to yourself it and do it even when you don't feel like it
6. See the results
7. Review your dream and actions regularly
8. Thank the Universe for its partnership and the wonderful life you are living
Now take out your journal and start creating.
Observe the difference in your life when you are taking inspired actions, taking responsibility for your life.
Most of all during this process remember to have Fun.
Would love to hear what your dreams are.
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