Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Finding Peace in Every Moment

You’ve seen it all, heard it all, even done it all and you are still no closer to finding what makes you happy!

You know what you want to be like, you’ve read all the self-help books, but I am going to say here and now STOP RIGHT NOW YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME!

The answers are already inside of you, and all that is required is for someone to shine the light on the answers so you can say “OMG Of course!”

Imagine the AB’s reading a few rugby books and then taking the field against the Wallabies… can you imagine the next day’s headlines – AB’s FAIL again!

This doesn’t happen for a very good reason… because there is a coach. That one person that shines the light on their talents provides them with the ‘how to’, the ‘from where I am standing I see…” the “did you know you could…?”

The coach – your coach is right here and available every week to tap into.

So if you want to stop smoking, lose weight, become a better parent/partner/friend colleague/ business owner you can this is for you.

The P.E.A.C.E Programme is based on finding Perfection, Excellence, Abundance, Courage, and Excitement in your life that allows you to achieve the goals you are too scared to set in case of failure.

If you were asked that age old question “if you were guaranteed NOT to fail, what would you do?”

The AB’s don’t fail because of the self-belief in themselves that is supported by their coach. Their talents have the opportunity to shine through and achieve amazing results on the rugby field.

Now let’s get together and begin to shine the light on you and how when you get rid of all of the uncertainty, the doubts, the self-depreciating and the negativity what YOU CAN ACHIEVE!

Peace isn’t about soft gentle quiet, it’s about finding the Perfection, Excellence, Abundance, Courage, and Excitement in your life!

The 12 week course P.E.A.C.E programme will deliver the results you want.

You are guaranteed to:
•Have your own personal coach ensuring you stay on track to achieve your goals with weekly e-sessions
•Find what makes the uniqueness that makes you tick allowing you to identify the stumbling blocks, barriers/hurdles stopping you from getting to where you want to be and the Peace you are yearning for.
•Learn about the strength of listening to your body signals and how to turn those signals into action and bring you Peace
•A diary to encourage you to document your journey – after all writing is a catalyst for change
•Weekly action sheets providing you with a step by step to help move through your P.E.A.C.E process

Cost of this amazing programme is $600 or $50 per week (to make it easier on the budget)

Book now to secure your place on the next available course beginning 23rd April 2012. Each student will receive a certificate of achievement on completion of the course along with a FREE Surprise Gift – that will inspire you and remind you of your Goal for Inner Peace.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Reiki and Children

In today’s society many children are faced with pressures and stressful situations that often as children we did not come across.
Each generation is increasingly being handed a more stressful environment to live in and less opportunity for relaxation, leisure time and personal space.
But there is something that each generation has as an inbuilt tool to help us cope – the ability to be open and receptive to healing energies.

Reiki can provide the connection with these energies and can bring harmony, balance and better coordination as well as, relaxation, and strength.
For children these are crucial components to creating resilience. It can also provide them with an alternative way to deal with stressful situations, sickness, fear, upset and disharmony, among other things.

Like our parents, and grandparents before us, we all aspire for our offspring to make the right choices in life. We call them Principles.

The Five Reiki Principles

I - Just for today, I will not be angry.
Anger at others or oneself or at the whole world, creates serious blockages in one's energy. It is the most complex inner enemy.
Reiki is an excellent tool to remove anger blockages which have accumulated in the body over years, but it cannot remove the residue of current anger which occurs daily.
Letting go of anger. brings Peace into the Mind.

II - Just for today, I will not worry.
While anger deals with past and present events, worry deals with future events. Although worry is not always a negative phenomena, endless worries may fill one's head, and each one bores a small hole in one's body and soul. While anger requires a focused Reiki treatment to remove obstacles, worry requires the energy to be spread throughout the entire body.
Letting go of worry, brings healing into the Body.

III - Just for today, I will be grateful.
Be grateful from your heart inward. Inner intention is the important element in this principle. Simple things as thanks, forgiveness, smile, good words, gratitude can improve others life and make them happy.
Being thankful brings Joy into the Spirit.

IV - Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Support yourself and your family respectably, without harming others. Earn a respectable living, live a life of honor.
Working Honestly brings Abundance into the Soul.

V- Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

Honor your parents, honor your teachers, honor your elders.
Being Kind brings Love into the World.

Reiki Music Video
Copy and Paste into your browser

Sit back and relax as Bronwen Stiene of the International House of Reiki guides you in a musical healing journey with The Breath of Reiki

Be Well

Life is very simple. What I give out comes back to me.
Today I choose to give Love